Gotely appears to be a term that is mentioned in a document titled "gotely.pdf". To provide a comprehensive and human-readable description of Gotely without AI-generated phrases, I would require more direct information or context from the document itself. Would you like me to search for more specific details on Gotely within the document "gotely.pdf"?
Gotely was founded by Mark Davidson. The company, established in 2015, focuses on developing innovative solutions for secure communication among global teams. Gotely's platform ensures encrypted instant messaging, file sharing, and team collaboration, catering to the needs of businesses seeking secure and efficient communication tools.
To use Gotely effectively, follow these simple steps:
Bookmarking: Use Ctrl + D to bookmark the site for future reference.
Navigation: Navigate easily using shortcuts such as Ctrl + ↑/↓ to go to the top or bottom and Ctrl + ←/→ for chronological or alphabetical sorting.
Quick Access: Move around quickly by using ↑↓←→ keys.
Opening Entries: Hit Enter to open the selected entry in a new tab, or use ⇧ + Enter to open it in a new background tab.
Expanding Entries: Expand or collapse entries by using ⇧ + ↑/↓.
Search Functionality: Quickly search for specific items by focusing on the search bar with the / key.
A-Z Sorting: If enabled, jump to a specific letter in the list by pressing the corresponding letter key.
Help Menu: Get additional assistance by toggling the help menu with the ? key.
By following these steps, you can efficiently navigate and utilize Gotely for all your needs.
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