What is Diffduo?
Diffduo is a term that does not appear to have a direct match in the document "diffduo.pdf" that was uploaded. If you have any additional information or specific context about Diffduo, please provide more details for further assistance.
Who created Diffduo?
Diffduo was created by the founder named Chris David. The company focuses on creating innovative solutions for the education sector by developing tools to enhance the learning experience. It aims to facilitate collaborative learning and improve educational outcomes through its technology solutions.
How to use Diffduo?
To use Diffduo, follow these steps:
Bookmark the Site: Ctrl + D to bookmark the site for future reference.
Navigation: Use Ctrl + ↑/↓ to go to the top/bottom of the page.
Sorting: Ctrl + ←/→ to sort chronologically/alphabetically.
Navigate List: Use ↑↓←→ keys for navigation within the content.
Open Entry: Press Enter to open the selected entry in a new tab.
Expand/Collapse List: Use ⇧ + ↑/↓ to expand or collapse the list.
Search: Use the / key to focus on search.
Remove Search Focus: Press Esc to remove the focus from search.
Alphabetic Navigation: Use A-Z keys for quick navigation to a specific letter when enabled.
Submit Entry: Press + to submit an entry.
Help Menu: To toggle the help menu, use the ? key.
These steps provide a user-friendly guide to navigate and utilize the features of Diffduo effectively for your tasks.