Thishomerdoesnotexist is a website that generates fictional images of characters resembling Homer Simpson from "The Simpsons" using a technology called Lightweight GAN. These generated images are not real photos but rather computer-generated creations based on artificial intelligence algorithms. The project was created by Thomas Dimson, who is also known as turtlesoupy on Twitter. Users can view these generated images on the website, and there is an option to own these digital artworks on the blockchain through a link provided on the site. Additionally, visitors can support the creator by buying him a coffee through a link available on the website.
The creator of Thishomerdoesnotexist is Thomas Dimson, who can be reached on Twitter at @turtlesoupy. The project is based on the Lightweight GAN from lucidrains.
To use Thishomerdoesnotexist, follow these steps:
Enjoy exploring the AI-generated images of Homer Simpson on Thishomerdoesnotexist!.
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