What is Phraser?
Phraser is a tool that allows users to create various digital content, such as album covers, social media images, and video covers. It aims to assist users in generating visually appealing content for different purposes.
Who created Phraser?
The founder of Phraser is Kyle Geiste. The company, Phraser Inc., is based in Toronto, Canada, and focuses on developing AI-powered products that enhance creativity and productivity for content creators. Kyle Geiste's vision for Phraser was to create a simple and efficient tool that assists users in generating content quickly and easily .
What is Phraser used for?
- Create an album cover
- Create an image for socials
- Add background to a photo
- Create a cover for video
Who is Phraser for?
- Graphic designers
- Marketers
- Content publishers
- Photographers
How to use Phraser?
To use the Phraser tool effectively, follow these step-by-step instructions:
- Visit the Phraser website to access the tool.
- Click on the "Generate" button to create something special like an album cover, social media image, or add a background to a photo.
- Utilize the "Repaint" option to modify images for social media or other creative purposes.
- If you wish to design a cover for a video, select the appropriate feature.
- To bookmark the site for future use, press Ctrl + D on your keyboard.
- Use Ctrl + ↑/↓ to navigate to the top/bottom of the page quickly.
- Employ Ctrl + ←/→ to sort entries either chronologically or alphabetically.
- Navigate through entries using the arrow keys (↑↓←→) for easy access.
- Open selected entries in new tabs by pressing Enter while the entry is focused.
- Use the shortcut ⇧ + Enter to open the selected entry in a new tab.
- Expand or collapse the list with ⇧ + ↑/↓.
- To focus on the search bar, press forward slash.
- Press Esc to remove focus from the search bar.
- Enable A-Z sorting and quickly jump to a specific letter by pressing the corresponding key.
- Submit new entries using the + symbol.
- Toggle the help menu with the ? key for additional guidance.
By following these steps, you can efficiently utilize the Phraser tool for creating various visual content.