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GPTZero detects AI-generated content using advanced algorithms, making it essential for maintaining integrity in digital content.
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What is GPTZero?

GPTZero is an AI detector designed to identify AI-generated content, particularly from models like ChatGPT, GPT-4, and Bard. It offers sophisticated algorithms and machine learning techniques to analyze text for similarities and potential instances of plagiarism. GPTZero has gained recognition for its role in detecting AI plagiarism and promoting integrity and originality in digital content. Users can easily check up to 50,000 characters for AI-generated content duplication, making it a valuable tool for researchers, content creators, educators, and professionals across various industries. The platform is user-friendly, provides extensive coverage for scanning, and ensures that AI-generated content is detected to uphold ethical practices.

Who created GPTZero?

Founder Overview:

GPTZero was created by Edward Tian and Alexander Cui. Edward Tian serves as the Co-founder and CEO, while Alexander Cui is the Co-founder and CTO of the company. GPTZero has a team consisting of various professionals including product designers, machine learning engineers, and research scientists. The company's mission is to provide tools for detecting and safely adopting AI technologies.

Company Details:

  • Company Name: GPTZero
  • Website: GPTZero Website
  • Key Personnel:
    • Edward Tian (Co-founder and CEO)
    • Alexander Cui (Co-founder and CTO)
  • Team Members:
    • Olivia Kusio (Product Designer)
    • Alex Adam, PhD (Machine Learning Engineer)
    • Jonathan White (Chief of Staff)
    • Edmond Atto (Fullstack Engineer)
    • Prossy Nakimera (Fullstack Engineer)
    • John Kagga (Fullstack Engineer)
    • Jacob Goldfarb (Fullstack Engineer)
    • Robert Nicolaides (Head of Design)
    • Nazar Schmatko (Machine Learning Engineer)
    • Dhiren Audich (Infrastructure Engineer)
    • Edwin Thomas (Machine Learning Engineer)
    • Junqi Tian (ML Research Scientist)
    • Russ Salakhutdinov, PhD (Faculty Research Advisor)
    • Dongwon Lee, PhD (Faculty Research Scientist)
  • Services Offered: GPTZero provides a sophisticated AI detector for checking content authenticity and detecting AI-generated text, serving over 2.5 million users worldwide. The platform offers comprehensive scanning capabilities, advanced AI detection, and plagiarism checking services for professionals, educators, and researchers .

What is GPTZero used for?

  • Plagiarism detection
  • Detecting AI-generated content
  • Detecting AI in writing text
  • Checking for AI-generated text in education, hiring, publishing, legal, etc.
  • Highlighting possible use of AI in writing
  • Flagging AI use in prose
  • Detecting AI outputs from various language models
  • Preventing AI plagiarism
  • Ensuring text authenticity and originality
  • Promoting integrity and ethical practices in writing
  • Providing insights and analytics on AI-generated content landscape
  • Empowering users to make informed decisions and enhance writing strategies
  • Protecting intellectual property
  • Ensuring authenticity of work
  • Promoting integrity in writing
  • Supporting researchers, content creators, educators, and professionals
  • Offering valuable insights and analytics
  • Identifying trends and patterns in AI-generated content landscape
  • Enhancing writing strategies
  • Maintaining the integrity of original ideas
  • Flagging situations where AI may be used in written work to encourage further inquiry and awareness
  • AI detection in education, certification, hiring, social writing platforms, and disinformation
  • Classifying AI use in prose
  • Identifying AI-generated text in various writing domains including academic prose
  • Checking for AI-aided written work in education
  • Detecting AI plagiarism in research, content creation, and academic submissions
  • Promoting integrity, originality, and ethical practices in the digital realm
  • Ensuring authenticity of student submissions in education
  • Identifying trends, patterns, and key metrics in AI-generated content landscape
  • Maintaining standards and integrity of written content
  • Detecting AI in documents written by large language models
  • Checking for AI-generated content in education, certification, hiring, social writing platforms, etc.
  • Flagging situations where AI is used in written work
  • Analyzing text to identify similarities and potential instances of plagiarism
  • Ensuring authenticity of student submissions
  • Preserving the authenticity and originality of written content
  • Providing insights and analytics on the AI-generated content landscape
  • Checking whether a document was written by AI language models like ChatGPT
  • Detecting AI on sentence, paragraph, and document level
  • Serving over 2.5 million users and working with over 100 organizations in various fields like education, hiring, publishing, legal, and more
  • Classifying AI use in prose to raise awareness of AI risks in written work
  • Detecting AI outputs across a range of AI language models beyond ChatGPT, including GPT-4, GPT-3, GPT-2, LLaMA, and more
  • Providing accurate AI detection verified by independent sources like TechCrunch
  • Improving technology constantly in contrast to some competitors who forward outputs of free models without additional training
  • Being finetuned for student writing and academic prose
  • Empowering users like educators to maintain the integrity and authenticity of written content by detecting AI plagiarism
  • Offering valuable insights, analytics, and comprehensive analysis of the AI-generated content landscape

Who is GPTZero for?

  • Academic Researcher
  • Content creator
  • Educator
  • Professional across various industries
  • Academic Researchers
  • Content creators
  • Educators
  • Professionals across various industries
  • Fullstack Engineer
  • Head of Design
  • Machine learning engineer
  • Infrastructure Engineer
  • ML Research Scientist
  • Faculty Research Advisor
  • Faculty Research Scientist
  • Product Designer
  • Chief of Staff
  • Researchers
  • Students
  • Writers
  • Hiring professionals
  • Recruiters

How to use GPTZero?

To use GPTZero effectively, follow these steps:

  1. Paste the text you want to check into the tool or upload your file for analysis.
  2. GPTZero will provide an overall detection for your document and highlight sentences where AI is detected.
  3. For larger texts or batch processing, sign up for a free account on the Dashboard.
  4. To scan web pages easily, use the Chrome Extension, Origin, for one-click scanning.
  5. GPTZero is useful for detecting AI-generated text in various contexts like education, hiring, and publishing.
  6. It works with multiple AI language models beyond ChatGPT, such as GPT-4, GPT-3, and others.
  7. GPTZero stands out for its accuracy and focus on student writing and academic prose.
  8. Educators can address detected AI text by assessing the student's work in a controlled environment and examining artifacts of the writing process.

Remember that GPTZero's classification is not absolute, and educators should use additional assessment methods alongside it. Encouraging authentic student work and using diverse assignment types can deter misuse of AI-generated content.

  • User-friendly interface allows effortless navigation and seamless integration into existing workflows
  • GPTZero is the most accurate AI detector across various use cases
  • Most accurate AI detector across use-cases
  • Builds and improves own technology
  • Trusted by users to provide tools for safe AI adoption
  • GPTZero is the ultimate AI detector for ChatGPT, GPT-4, and Bard
  • Users can quickly check up to 50,000 characters for any signs of AI-generated content duplication
  • GPTZero analyzes text to identify similarities and potential instances of plagiarism using sophisticated algorithms and machine learning techniques
  • Lightning-fast processing speed enables users to obtain results within seconds
  • Comprehensive scanning capabilities cover up to 50,000 characters, providing extensive coverage for documents
  • The tool's accuracy may not be consistent across all levels of text analysis, such as paragraph-level accuracy being greater than sentence-level accuracy
  • The classifier may sometimes flag other machine-generated or highly procedural text as AI-generated, potentially leading to incorrect classifications.
  • The model may not accurately identify heavily modified AI-generated text, which is a minority use case in AI generation at the moment.
  • Some features such as the ability to identify AI-generated text after heavy modification or to accurately classify certain types of machine-generated text may be missing compared to other AI detection models.
  • The accuracy of the model increases as more text is submitted to the model, with decreasing accuracy at the sentence-level compared to the document-level
  • The model's accuracy is higher for text similar in nature to the dataset, which is mainly English prose written by adults

GPTZero Pricing and plans

Paid plans start at $10/month and include:

  • Up to 150,000 words per month
  • Plagiarism scanning
  • Advanced Grammar and Writing feedback


What is GPTZero?
GPTZero is the leading AI detector for checking whether a document was written by a large language model such as ChatGPT. GPTZero detects AI on sentence, paragraph, and document level.
How do I use GPTZero?
Simply paste in the text you want to check, or upload your file, and we'll return an overall detection for your document, as well as sentence-by-sentence highlighting of sentences where we've detected AI.
When should I use GPTZero?
GPTZero is intended to be used to flag situations where AI is used in writing text to drive further inquiry and spread awareness of the risks of using AI in written work.
Does GPTZero only detect ChatGPT outputs?
No, GPTZero works across a range of AI language models including ChatGPT, GPT-4, GPT-3, GPT-2, LLaMA, and AI services based on those models.
Why choose GPTZero over other detection models?
GPTZero is the most accurate AI detector according to independent sources and is fine-tuned for student writing and academic prose.
What are the limitations of the classifier?
Results should not be used to punish students, and educators are recommended to use them as part of a holistic assessment of student work.
What data did you train your model on?
The model is trained on millions of documents including creative writing, scientific writing, blogs, news articles, and more.
How do I cite GPTZero for an academic paper?
You can use the provided bibtex citation for academic papers.

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GPTZero alternatives

ZeroGPT detects AI-generated content, checks plagiarism, paraphrases, summarizes, corrects grammar, and ensures privacy.

Turnitin promotes academic integrity with tools like iThenticate 2.0, Feedback Studio, and Gradescope.

Undetectable AI mimics human behavior to operate unnoticed, posing serious security risks across various sectors.

QuillBot's AI Content Detector identifies plagiarism, grammar errors, and enhances writing quality through advanced analysis.

GPTinf refines AI text to mimic humans, bypassing detectors like Turnitin, enhancing originality and creativity.