AI Detectors

Discover top AI tools for detecting generated content and ensuring authenticity.

· January 02, 2025

Have you ever found yourself knee-deep in an online rabbit hole, second-guessing everything you read because it could have been written by a machine? I sure have. In our increasingly digital world, it’s become more important than ever to figure out what’s genuinely human-made and what’s been crafted by an algorithm. That’s where AI detectors come into play.

Why This Matters

You might be wondering, why should I care? Well, if you're a student, journalist, or even a casual blogger, knowing the source of your information is crucial. Plus, it's oddly satisfying to catch a machine-generated text trying to mimic a human touch.

The Quest for Accuracy

Believe me, not all AI detectors are created equal. Some are spot-on, while others, not so much. I've spent countless hours testing various tools to see just how effective they are. Let’s navigate through this tech jungle together and find the best of the best.

What to Expect

I’ll break down what makes a good AI detector, share my go-to recommendations, and offer some pro tips on using these tools effectively. Trust me, this is information you didn't know you needed, but you’ll be glad you have.

The best AI Detectors

  1. 1. ZeroGPT for detect ai-generated content impeccably

  2. 2. Turnitin for detecting ai-generated content in exams

  3. 3. GPTZero for identifying ai use in academic submissions

  4. 4. Copyleaks for detecting plagiarized content

  5. 5. Undetectable AI for evading ai content detectors

  6. 6. Scribbr AI Detector for checking academic integrity in texts.

  7. 7. Grammarly AI Detector for identifying ai-generated content.

  8. 8. for minimizing ai detector false positives

  9. 9. Labelbox for ai anomaly detection

  10. 10. GPTinf for identifying ai-generated content online.

  11. 11. Risuai for detecting ai-generated content

  12. 12. Perplexity Labs for identify ai-generated content

  13. 13.

  14. 14. Anonymous ChatGPT API for detecting fake ai-generated content

  15. 15. Content Detector AI for identifying ai-generated text

How do AI detectors work?

AI detectors are fascinating little tools, aren't they? They basically analyze text to figure out if it's written by a human or by an AI. Pretty cool, right?

How They Work

So, here's the scoop. These detectors use machine learning models trained on large datasets of human and AI-generated text. By studying patterns and nuances in writing, they get pretty good at spotting what feels "natural" versus what's a bit too perfect or robotic.

Key Indicators

One trick they use is focusing on syntactic patterns and word choices. For instance, AI text might use a more formal structure or repeat certain words more often. Human writing, on the other hand, tends to have a bit more flair and variety.

Continuous Learning

It's not just a one-time thing. These detectors continually learn and adapt. As AI-generated texts evolve, so do the detectors, keeping them sharp and effective.

In sum, AI detectors are like digital detectives, always on the lookout for clues that reveal the true author behind the words.

Our best AI detectors at a glance

Rank Name Best for Plans and Pricing Rating
1 ZeroGPT detect ai-generated content impeccably


0.00 (0 reviews)
2 Turnitin detecting ai-generated content in exams


4.67 (12 reviews)
3 GPTZero identifying ai use in academic submissions


0.00 (0 reviews)
4 Copyleaks detecting plagiarized content


4.58 (12 reviews)
5 Undetectable AI evading ai content detectors


0.00 (0 reviews)
6 Scribbr AI Detector checking academic integrity in texts.


0.00 (0 reviews)
7 Grammarly AI Detector identifying ai-generated content.


0.00 (0 reviews)
8 minimizing ai detector false positives


4.42 (12 reviews)
9 Labelbox ai anomaly detection


4.42 (12 reviews)
10 GPTinf identifying ai-generated content online.


4.18 (11 reviews)
11 Risuai detecting ai-generated content


4.45 (11 reviews)
12 Perplexity Labs identify ai-generated content


4.09 (11 reviews)


0.00 (0 reviews)
14 Anonymous ChatGPT API detecting fake ai-generated content


3.67 (24 reviews)
15 Content Detector AI identifying ai-generated text


4.17 (6 reviews)

391 Listings in AI Detectors Available

1 . ZeroGPT

Best for detect ai-generated content impeccably

ZeroGPT is an AI detection tool designed to identify and mitigate artificial intelligence-generated content. It offers various features such as detecting AI-generated text at different levels, providing detailed statistics, identifying plagiarism and duplicate content, paraphrasing and summarizing text, checking for grammar and spelling mistakes, translating text, and offering a powerful chatbot. The platform is committed to maintaining the integrity of online content by distinguishing between human and AI-generated text with high accuracy and efficiency. The accuracy rate of ZeroGPT's algorithm for text detection is up to 98%, making it a useful tool for students, teachers, writers, employees, freelancers, and copywriters. ZeroGPT ensures the privacy of user input text by not saving, sharing, or making it available online and does not use it to train the AI detection model. It offers integration options for organizations through paid professional plans customized to their needs.

  • Detect AI-generated text at a document, paragraph, and sentence level
  • Get probabilities and detailed statistics
  • Run batched inference over several files
  • Detect Plagiarism and Duplicate content in your text
  • Paraphrase, Summarize your text with different styles and tones
  • Check for grammar and spell mistakes and correct them
  • Translate your text, with all languages supported
  • Access a powerful and highly accurate Chatbot
  • Highlighted Sentences: Every sentence written by AI is highlighted, with a gauge showing the percentage of AI inside the text
  • Batch files processing in the background: Simply upload multiple files at once, and they will get checked automatically in the dashboard
  • High accuracy ai text detection model: Advanced and premium model, trained on all languages to provide highly accurate results
  • Automatically generated pdf report: Automatically generated .pdf reports for every detection, used as a proof of AI-Free plagiarism
  • High Accuracy AI Detection in all languages: Support all the languages with the highest accuracy rate of detection
  • Detect AI-generated text at a document, paragraph, and sentence level.
  • Get probabilities and detailed statistics.
  • The pricing structure may not justify the value for money considering their enterprise-grade subscriptions and custom quotes.
  • No explicit mention of advanced features like sentiment analysis, entity recognition, or document classification which are available in some other AI tools.
  • Limited information on the performance of the AI models compared to competitors.
  • No details on the frequency of updates and improvements to the AI detection algorithms.
  • Lack of information on any integrations with popular platforms or tools for seamless workflow.
  • The user interface may not be as intuitive or user-friendly as other AI detection tools.
  • No clear indication of the scalability options for large organizations or high-volume usage.
  • Limited mention of comprehensive customer support options or dedicated account management services.
  • Absence of information regarding the training data used which may affect the accuracy and bias of the models.
  • No details provided on the compatibility with specific file formats or data sources.
  • No specific cons mentioned in the provided documents.

2 . Turnitin

Best for detecting ai-generated content in exams

Turnitin is an advanced educational platform focused on promoting academic integrity and achieving excellent educational outcomes. Established in 1998, Turnitin provides technology solutions to ensure honesty, consistency, and fairness within the global education community. The platform's latest innovation, iThenticate 2.0, leads in maintaining the integrity of high-stakes content by detecting AI-generated writing. Turnitin offers a range of products, such as Feedback Studio, Originality, Gradescope, ExamSoft, and Similarity, designed to uphold academic integrity and provide valuable feedback to educators and institutions. Turnitin's solutions serve Secondary Education, Higher Education, and Research & Publication sectors, with tailored offerings for each. Additionally, the platform provides educational resources like blogs, webinars, and case studies to enhance understanding of academic integrity, particularly in the era of AI.

  • Ensures original work from students
  • Provides transparency into AI usage for assessments
  • Supports educators in designing and delivering assessments
  • Helps develop students' original thinking skills with feedback
  • Offers solutions tailored to different educational segments
  • Turnitin promotes honesty, consistency, and fairness within the global education community.
  • Provides technology solutions ensuring academic integrity and honesty.
  • Offers products like Feedback Studio, Originality, Gradescope, ExamSoft, and Similarity to support academic integrity and provide feedback.
  • Tailored solutions for Secondary Education, Higher Education, and Research & Publication segments.
  • Offers resources such as blogs, webinars, case studies, and instructional resources to deepen understanding of academic integrity.
  • Committed to social impact by partnering with educational communities globally.
  • Effective in digital transformation for assessments, as seen in customer stories like University of Leeds.
  • Dedicated team providing solutions since 1998.
  • Innovative solutions like iThenticate 2.0 for maintaining integrity of high-stakes content.
  • Specialized AI writing detection technology for student writing.
  • Some users may find Turnitin expensive compared to other similar AI tools in the industry
  • Limited customization options for specific institutional needs
  • Potential issues with user interface and user experience
  • May have restrictions concerning file formats that can be uploaded
  • Concerns about data privacy and security measures
  • Possible lack of integration with certain Learning Management Systems (LMS)
  • Limited flexibility in terms of feedback customization
  • Issues with accuracy in detecting AI-generated content
  • Limited support for non-English content analysis
  • May not provide detailed explanations for similarity reports
  • Turnitin may have issues with false positives, marking correctly cited text as plagiarized
  • Some users find the pricing of Turnitin to be high
  • The tool may have limitations in detecting paraphrased content accurately
  • Integration with other software or LMS platforms could be complex or limited
  • Limited flexibility in customization according to specific institution's needs

3 . GPTZero

Best for identifying ai use in academic submissions
GPTZero is a specialized tool designed to detect content generated by AI models, including popular ones such as ChatGPT and GPT-4. Utilizing advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques, GPTZero thoroughly analyzes texts to identify similarities and potential plagiarism. It has become a trusted resource for ensuring originality and ethical standards in digital content creation. Users can easily scan large amounts of text—up to 50,000 characters—making it particularly useful for researchers, educators, and content professionals. With its intuitive interface and comprehensive scanning capabilities, GPTZero plays a vital role in promoting integrity in both academic and professional settings.
  • GPTZero is the most accurate AI detector across various use-cases
  • GPTZero builds and constantly improves its technology
  • Finetuned for student writing and academic prose
  • Trusted by users, especially educators, for providing tools to detect and safely adopt AI technologies
  • GPTZero is the most accurate AI detector across use-cases, verified by multiple independent sources
  • GPTZero constantly improves its own technology
  • Trusted by users for providing tools to detect and safely adopt AI technologies
  • GPTZero builds and constantly improves its own technology
  • GPTZero is fine-tuned for student writing and academic prose
  • GPTZero has gained recognition for its accuracy from independent sources like TechCrunch
  • GPTZero has a comprehensive analysis empowering users to make informed decisions
  • GPTZero helps users in combating AI plagiarism effectively
  • GPTZero offers valuable insights and analytics
  • GPTZero has gained widespread acclaim for preserving the authenticity and originality of written content
  • GPTZero is user-friendly and seamlessly integrates into existing workflows
  • The accuracy of the model varies depending on the amount of text submitted, with document-level classification being more accurate than paragraph-level, and sentence-level accuracy being the lowest
  • Accuracy is higher for text similar in nature to the dataset, which comprises mainly English prose written by adults
  • The classifier may not accurately identify heavily modified AI-generated text, flagging other machine-generated or procedural text as AI-generated at times
  • GPTZero may sometimes classify human-generated text as AI-generated, especially when applied to more descriptive text portions
  • The accuracy of the model increases as more text is submitted, impacting accuracy on different levels (document, paragraph, sentence)
  • The accuracy of the model also increases for text similar in nature to the model's dataset
  • The classifier is not trained to identify heavily modified AI-generated text
  • Can sometimes flag other machine-generated or procedural text as AI-generated
  • Positioning as a premium tool might make it less accessible to some users considering the pricing
  • No specific cons mentioned, which may indicate a strong performance overall
  • Limited to detecting AI from a specific set of language models
  • Not trained to identify AI-generated text after heavy modification
  • Some issues with accuracy and training data scope mentioned
  • Possible limitations in detecting AI use accurately in all scenarios
  • The accuracy of the GPTZero model varies across different levels of analysis (document-level > paragraph-level > sentence level)

4 . Copyleaks

Best for detecting plagiarized content

Copyleaks is an advanced tool designed to differentiate between human-written content and text generated by artificial intelligence like ChatGPT. It offers various features beyond AI content detection, including a Plagiarism Detector, Codeleaks for checking source code originality, Grammar Checker API, and AI Grader for enhancing writing and education. Copyleaks also provides solutions for Gen AI Governance to enforce company policies for responsible generative AI adoption.

  • AI Content Detection accurately distinguishes between AI-generated content and human-written text.
  • Plagiarism Detector instantly identifies direct plagiarism, paraphrasing, and similar content to ensure originality.
  • Codeleaks is unique in detecting AI-generated code and ensuring the originality of source code.
  • Grammar Checker API enhances writing with advanced suggestions on sentence structure and word choice.
  • Gen AI Governance enforces company policies and mitigates risks for responsible generative AI adoption.
  • The pricing may not justify the value for money considering their price

5 . Undetectable AI

Best for evading ai content detectors offers several features such as AI Content Humanizing, Content Quality Optimization, AI Detection, Text Production, AI-generated Text Analysis, Human-like Text Output, AI Text Refining Tool, and Content Monitoring Evasion. It is designed to transform flagged content, align with brand voice, and bypass automated content filters by ensuring the content is indistinguishable from human works. This tool also aids in improving readability levels, offers selectable writing levels and types, and is actively improving to cover ethical implications. While it boasts of human-like text output and high levels of human-likeness, it does have limitations such as slow document processing times and limited writing styles options.'s 'AI Detector' functions by analyzing AI-produced content to determine the likelihood of it being detected by other artificial intelligence systems. This assists users in understanding the human-likeness of their AI content to refine it further.

Using, individuals can optimize their AI-generated content by leveraging the Humanizer function, which refines the AI text to closely resemble human-written content. This tool also offers an AI detection feature to test the detectability of the AI content. can assist in increasing email deliverability rates and SEO content by enhancing the naturalness and undetectability of AI-generated content. It ensures that the content is more acceptable to human audiences and seamlessly integrates with human-generated content.

In terms of ethical use, highlights ethical implications related to AI authorship recognition and AI detection bypass on its blog, ensuring ethical practices by providing a clear Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. offers a range of writing types supported by its 'Purpose' function, including General Writing, Essay, Article, Marketing Material, Story, Cover Letter, Report, Business Material, and Legal Material. This function aids in adjusting the AI-generated content for different purposes.

  • Transforms flagged content
  • Aligns with brand voice
  • Trained on eight detectors
  • Indistinguishable from human works
  • Readability function
  • Selectable writing levels
  • Purpose function
  • Selectable writing types
  • Featured on media outlets
  • Critical for email marketing
  • Essential for SEO content
  • Bypasses automated content filters
  • Aid for researchers
  • Actively improving
  • Covers ethical implications
  • Slow document processing times
  • Limited writing styles options
  • No multilingual support
  • Potential privacy concerns
  • Limited use cases
  • No off-line version available
  • One-size-fits-all solution

6 . Scribbr AI Detector

Best for checking academic integrity in texts.
The Scribbr AI Detector is a specialized tool designed to identify English language texts that are likely generated by various AI models, including well-known ones like ChatGPT and GPT-4. By examining specific linguistic patterns, unusual phrases, and other markers of machine-generated content, the detector assigns a percentage score ranging from 0% to 100%, indicating the likelihood that the text was produced by an AI. While it strives for high accuracy, achieving approximately 84% for premium versions and 68% for free versions, it acknowledges that no AI detection tool can guarantee flawless results. Scribbr underlines the significance of academic integrity and provides a suite of resources—including the AI Detector, a Plagiarism Checker, and a Citation Generator—to assist students in maintaining high standards in their academic writing and preventing misconduct.

7 . Grammarly AI Detector

Best for identifying ai-generated content.
Grammarly AI Detector is a sophisticated tool designed to evaluate the likelihood that a piece of text has been created by artificial intelligence. By dissecting the text into smaller sections, it compares these segments to known patterns associated with AI-generated writing. The result is a percentage score that indicates how much of the content may have AI origins. While this tool can provide valuable insights, it is important to remember that it is not an infallible method for determining content authenticity. Grammarly encourages users to integrate AI detection tools into a broader strategy for assessing originality and integrity in writing. Furthermore, the company is committed to promoting ethical AI practices and continuously working to address biases within its detection models.

8 .

Best for minimizing ai detector false positives is an innovative tool designed to identify AI-generated content, particularly those created by GPT-3 and GPT-4 models. Developed by Jon Gillham and his team of professionals in machine learning, development, and marketing, focuses on ensuring content integrity for website owners, content creators, and publishers. Its features include precise AI content detection, plagiarism checking, fact verification, and readability enhancement. One of the standout elements of is its commitment to minimizing false positives in AI detection, making it a reliable resource for writers who want to validate the authenticity of their work. The tool also excels in detecting paraphrased content, offering a thorough approach to content quality assurance. Additionally, users can benefit from a complimentary Chrome Extension that visualizes the content creation process within Google Documents, further supporting writers in demonstrating their work’s originality.
  • Accurate AI Content Detection
  • Plagiarism Checker
  • Fact Checker
  • Readability Checker
  • Future-Proof Your Site
  • Paraphrase Detection (only tool to offer this)
  • Ensures original plagiarism-free content
  • Helps verify facts
  • Improves readability
  • Provides 99% AI content detection accuracy
  • Built by experienced team of ML Engineers and Researchers
  • Comprehensive suite of content QA tools
  • Future-proof site from Google penalization for AI content
  • Team of content marketing and AI experts
  • Provides scan history, detection scores, shareable results
  • 2% false positives in AI detection, which is considered high despite being the lowest in the industry based on accuracy tests
  • The tool may falsely identify human-written content as AI-generated, causing potential issues
  • Shorter texts can result in less accurate detection scores, requiring at least 100 words for more reliable checks
  • The tool's detection accuracy may be influenced by strange formatting, leading to increased false positives or false negatives
  • No mention of features like readability scores, which are important for comprehensive content quality assessments
  • Comparatively high price point may not fully justify the value provided, especially when missing features are taken into account
  • Editing AI-written content can cause the entire article to be flagged as AI
  • Cyborg writing can increase the chance of a higher AI score
  • Strange formatting can reduce the accuracy of the detector tools
  • The shorter the text, the less accurate the detection score
  • False positives can occur, about 2% of the time that human work is submitted
  • For minimizing false positives, specific tips are provided
  • The tool may incorrectly identify human writing as AI
  • Limited to a detection score of 60% Original and 40% AI for false positives
  • AI detection may not necessarily correspond to the amount of AI in the text

9 . Labelbox

Best for ai anomaly detection

Labelbox is a data-centric AI platform that enables users to construct and utilize AI applications. It facilitates model training, fine-tuning, and task automation using Labelbox Machine Learning Models (LLMs). Additionally, Labelbox uses cookies for enhancing user experience, analyzing site traffic, assisting in marketing efforts, and understanding user interactions with the platform.

Moreover, Labelbox collaborates with Google Cloud to provide a managed LLM evaluation solution integrated into the Vertex AI platform. This partnership empowers Google Cloud customers to easily launch human evaluation tasks, establish specific evaluation criteria, and efficiently develop and deploy LLM applications with high-quality results in a short timeframe.

  • Labelbox is the data factory for generative AI, providing high-quality, differentiated data to leading model builders and enterprise AI teams.
  • Labelbox's software-first approach delivers unmatched quality, control, and efficiency.
  • Labelbox combines on-demand expert labeling services with the industry-leading data labeling platform.
  • Labelbox offers Boost labeling services that tap into the diverse and advanced skills of the Alignerr expert community.
  • Labelbox operates a global data labeling infrastructure for the biggest AI workloads, providing high-quality data labeling in nearly any domain.
  • Trusted by companies of all sizes — from startups to Fortune 500 enterprises.
  • Offers an AI-assisted alignment for maximum efficiency and throughput in data curation, labeling, quality assurance, and pre-labeling with foundation models.
  • Optimized for quality and control, helping customers achieve breakthroughs with high-quality data.
  • Provides technology and software integration with Google Cloud for LLM evaluation services.
  • Labelbox offers a comprehensive platform for data curation, AI-assisted labeling, model training & diagnostics, and labeling services all in one place.
  • Global network of expert humans available through Labelbox.
  • Customers receive high-quality results within days when using Labelbox services.
  • Allow customers to seamlessly launch human evaluation jobs and set specific criteria for evaluation.
  • Enables customers to develop and ship LLM applications with confidence.
  • Utilizes AI-assisted data curation, labeling, quality assurance, and pre-labeling to enhance efficiency and throughput.
  • The list of cons for using Labelbox is not available in the uploaded files.

10 . GPTinf

Best for identifying ai-generated content online.
GPTinf is an innovative tool tailored to enhance text generated by artificial intelligence, transforming it into content that closely resembles human writing. It excels in rephrasing and reworking material to help authors, marketers, and content creators maintain originality while avoiding detection by systems like Turnitin and GPTZero. By skillfully increasing the complexity and variability of the text, GPTinf captures the essence of human expression, making the content more engaging and creative. Its user-friendly interface allows for seamless transformation of AI-generated material into unique pieces that resonate with readers. With a proven track record of bypassing detection in 96% of instances, GPTinf stands out as a reliable solution for those looking to produce discreet, high-quality content.
  • Quality and efficiency go hand in hand
  • Seamless interface for effortless transformation of AI-produced material
  • Reflects human diversity in expression
  • Champions creativity with the touch of a button
  • Raises levels of perplexity and burstiness to mimic natural variability of human writing
  • Flexible subscription plans, including a free trial
  • Bypasses detection in 96% of cases
  • Elevates content creation by refining AI-generated text into human-like writing
  • Specializes in evading AI detectors by paraphrasing content intelligently
  • Perfect for authors, marketers, and content creators
  • Maintains originality and bypasses sophisticated platforms like Turnitin and GPTZero
  • Tool designed to address the predictability of AI-generated content
  • Helps avoid limitations by AI detection software
  • Empowers content creators to craft with freedom and confidence
  • Future of undetectable, AI-generated content
  • The document does not provide specific cons of using GPTinf.

11 . Risuai

Best for detecting ai-generated content

RisuAI is an AI solution designed for a diverse range of users, from beginners to experienced professionals in artificial intelligence. It offers an intuitive interface for easy navigation by light users while providing advanced features for more complex tasks by core users. The platform aims to bridge the gap between different levels of AI users and offers tools necessary for research, application development, and AI exploration. Additionally, RisuAI is optimized for SEO to enhance visibility and discoverability. It is available on various platforms and is open source, allowing users to contribute and interact with AI characters in a roleplay setting.

  • RisuAI supports advanced features like emotion images, custom prompt templates, inlayed images, prompt injection, and long-term memory without confusing users.
  • Multi-API support for using RisuAI as a backend or a frontend for other AI backends like GPT-4, Claude, Openrouter, and more.
  • Available on multiple platforms: Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, and Web.
  • Open source project allowing users to view, fork, and contribute to the code on GitHub.
  • Provides a platform for AI roleplay and sharing AI characters with others.
  • Offers a simple and easy-to-use interface suitable for light users.
  • Optimized for SEO to ensure high visibility and accessibility through search engines.
  • User Accessibility: Designed for both light and core AI users ensuring ease of use for all experience levels
  • Intuitive Interface: Offers a straightforward platform that allows users to navigate and engage with AI tools effortlessly
  • Comprehensive Features: Provides a suite of powerful tools and functionalities for advanced users to carry out complex AI tasks
  • SEO-Friendly: Carefully optimized to ensure high visibility and discoverability through search engines
  • Versatile Platform: Ideal for a range of activities including research AI application development and AI technology exploration
  • Missing features compared to other AI tools in the industry
  • Consideration of the value for money compared to their price

12 . Perplexity Labs

Best for identify ai-generated content

The LLaMa2 Chat is an AI-powered chatbot designed to function as a virtual assistant, providing real-time interactive responses to user queries. It utilizes natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to understand user inputs and generate appropriate responses. The chatbot adapts to user needs, offers personalized support, and continuously improves its performance over time through learning from interactions.

  • Real-time interaction
  • Virtual assistant capabilities
  • Utilizes natural language processing
  • Handles wide topic range
  • In-depth user query understanding
  • Context and intent analysis
  • Serves multiple domains
  • Adapts and learns from interactions
  • Offers efficient personalized support
  • Features chat and instruct capabilities
  • Offers scalability options
  • Hints at model complexity
  • Sonar-large and sonar-small variations
  • Can be used for knowledge sharing
  • Offers responsive interactive conversation
  • Lacks multi-language support
  • No explicit data security measures
  • Unclear scalability options
  • No offline mode available
  • Limited customization capabilities
  • Complex model names
  • No user-friendly GUI
  • Limited model documentation
  • Unclear error messaging

13 . transforms AI-generated text into human-like content, bypassing detectors and optimizing for SEO. is a sophisticated tool designed to convert AI-generated text into content that closely mimics human-written text. It achieves this by utilizing advanced algorithmic methods to study and replicate the typical patterns, styles, and nuances found in human writing. This AI humanizer is effective at humanizing AI content, making it indistinguishable from human writing and allowing users to bypass AI detectors like GPTZero and

The tool is free to try for unregistered users, with the ability to humanize up to 300 words without an account. Registration provides an extra 500 free word credits. is particularly useful for various individuals and professionals, including SEO specialists, freelance writers, bloggers, influencers, small business owners, students, educators, and digital marketers. supports over 50 languages, making it a versatile tool for a global audience. It retains the original meaning of the AI text, ensures the output is plagiarism-free, and is capable of improving the SEO performance of the content by incorporating essential keywords.

In summary, is a valuable tool that helps users convert AI-generated text into human-like content, bypass AI detectors, maintain authenticity and quality, optimize for SEO, and support multiple languages, all while ensuring the output is plagiarism-free.

  • Addresses plagiarism issues
  • Ensures text authenticity
  • Improves text quality
  • Enhances coherence and readability
  • Supports over 50 languages
  • Aids in reaching global audiences
  • Integrates SEO optimization
  • Recognizes key phrases
  • Boosts search engine ranking
  • Protects against spam filters
  • Removes machine-generated input signs
  • Versatile user appeal (students, bloggers)
  • Humanization for web publishers content
  • Guaranteed human-like output
  • Shares 100% unique, authentic content
  • Limited free plan
  • Not open source
  • Over-reliance on keywords
  • SEO optimization might be oversimplified
  • Reduces text uniqueness
  • Possible language conversion inaccuracies
  • Only supports text format
  • Limited API functionality
  • Limited third-party integrations

14 . Anonymous ChatGPT API

Best for detecting fake ai-generated content

useCloak is an innovative solution offered by useCloak for developers seeking to integrate AI capabilities into their software while ensuring user privacy. It provides an Anonymous ChatGPT API that allows developers to leverage OpenAI's technology without compromising Personally Identifiable Information (PII). The service focuses on simplicity and efficiency, offering features like anonymous API service, simple integration, robust data privacy measures, scalability, and comprehensive support through detailed documentation and regular updates. By prioritizing data privacy and protection, useCloak's API service is ideal for businesses aiming to harness the power of AI.

15 . Content Detector AI

Best for identifying ai-generated text

ContentDetector.AI is a cutting-edge tool specializing in identifying text produced by popular AI content generators like ChatGPT, with the capability of detecting content from GPT 3.5 and GPT 4 models. It offers an impressive accuracy rate of up to 85% and provides features such as a ChatGPT plagiarism checker and a word and character counter. Users can experience real-time analysis by pasting their text into the platform for a detailed report on AI content involvement. ContentDetector.AI is a trusted solution for safeguarding content integrity, with thousands of users, including bloggers and academics, relying on its accuracy and functionality.

What makes the best AI detector?

I've been fascinated by AI and its capabilities. But let me tell you, not all AI detectors are created equal. The best AI detector? It has a few key features that make it stand out.

Accuracy and Speed

First and foremost, accuracy and speed are critical. You don't want to waste time waiting for results, and you definitely don't want false positives. It's all about marrying precision with quick response times.

User-Friendly Interface

Next up is a user-friendly interface. Nobody likes clunky software. The best AI detectors make it straightforward to upload files, interpret results, and understand the findings, even if you're not tech-savvy.

Continuous Learning

One more thing: continuous learning. The AI landscape is ever-evolving, and so should your detector. The best tools keep getting better, adapting to new types of AI content constantly.

So, that's my take. If you're hunting for a top-tier AI detector, keep an eye on these features!

How to pick the best AI detector?

Ranking and Scoring Methodologies

Our AI tool rankings are based on a comprehensive analysis that considers factors like user reviews, monthly visits, engagement, features, and pricing. Each tool is carefully evaluated to ensure you find the best option in this category. Learn more about our ranking methodology here.

So, you're in the market for an AI detector? I get it, navigating the sea of options can be a bit overwhelming. Let's break it down.

Features to Look For

First thing’s first, you want an AI detector with robust accuracy. No one likes false positives or negatives. Check out user reviews and testimonials to see how well it performs in different scenarios.

Ease of Use

Next up is user-friendliness. A good AI detector should have a clean, intuitive interface. You don't want to spend hours figuring out how to use the darn thing.

Integration Capabilities

Also, consider its integration capabilities. If you’re planning to use it within a specific software ecosystem, make sure the AI detector can seamlessly integrate. That'll save you a lot of hassle down the line.

Trial Periods and Pricing

Finally, trial periods are your best friend. Many companies offer free trials. Take advantage of them to test out multiple options and see which one fits your needs best. Pricing matters too, of course. You want the best bang for your buck, right?

By focusing on these key areas, you’ll be well-equipped to pick the best AI detector for your needs. Happy hunting!

How to use an AI detectors?

Using an AI detector is pretty straightforward. First, you need the right tool. There are various AI detectors available online, some free and some paid. Just search for one that’s reputable.

Getting Started

Once you've chosen an AI detector, copy the text you want to check. Open the detector, and you'll find a box where you can paste your text. Hit the "analyze" or "detect" button, and let the tool do its magic.

Reviewing the Results

In a few seconds, you'll get a report. This will show you how much of the content is likely written by AI. Look for any highlighted sections; these are parts the detector suspects may be AI-generated.


Now, take the results with a grain of salt. No tool is perfect. If the text shows a high percentage of AI writing, you might want to revise those parts for a more personal touch.

Final Steps

Finally, repeat the process if you've made changes. This ensures your content is more authentic. Keep in mind, the aim is to make your work genuinely sound like you.