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Finalview was created by Andrew Michaels, who founded the company in 2007. Finalview is a software development company specializing in creating productivity and organizational tools for professionals. The company's focus is on developing user-friendly solutions to enhance efficiency and streamline workflows, catering to a wide range of industries. Andrew Michaels' vision for Finalview includes providing innovative software solutions that simplify tasks and improve overall productivity for users across different sectors .
To use Finalview, follow these step-by-step instructions:
Bookmark the Site: Use Ctrl + D to bookmark the Finalview site for easy access in the future.
Navigate Efficiently: Utilize keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl + ↑/↓ to move to the top or bottom of the page and Ctrl + ←/→ to sort entries chronologically or alphabetically.
Easy Navigation: Navigate through the entries using the arrow keys (↑↓←→) for smooth browsing.
Open Entries: Press Enter to open a selected entry in a new tab or Shift + Enter to do the same and maintain the tab focus.
Expand and Collapse: Use Shift + ↑/↓ to expand or collapse the entry list for better visibility.
Search Functionality: Access the search function with the forward slash (/) key and press Esc to remove focus from the search.
Alphabetical Navigation: When sorting alphabetically, navigate quickly by using A-Z to jump to a specific letter.
Submit an Entry: Add new entries by pressing the plus sign (+) for easy input.
Help Menu: Access the help menu by pressing the question mark (?) to get additional guidance on using Finalview effectively.
By following these clear instructions, you can make the most of Finalview's features and enhance your browsing experience on the platform.
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