What is Lollib?
"Lollib.com" appears to be a domain name that may be available for a project. For more information or to acquire this domain, it suggests reaching out on "X".
Who created Lollib?
Lollib was created by Will Gordon. The company details are limited, but the domain lollib.com has a domain rating of 14. If you are interested in acquiring this domain due to its existing traffic, you can reach out for more information.
Who is Lollib for?
How to use Lollib?
To use Lollib effectively, follow these steps:
- Visit Lollib.com in your web browser.
- Use the shortcut Ctrl + D to bookmark the site for easy access in the future.
- Navigate through the site using the following shortcuts: Ctrl + ↑/↓ to go to the top or bottom, Ctrl + ←/→ to sort entries chronologically or alphabetically, ↑↓←→ for general navigation.
- Open a selected entry in a new tab by pressing Enter.
- Expand or collapse the list using ⇧ + ↑/↓.
- Utilize the / key to focus on the search bar and easily search for specific entries.
- Remove focus from the search bar by pressing Esc.
- In case of alphabet sorting, use A-Z to navigate directly to a letter.
- To submit a new entry, press +.
- Toggle the help menu by pressing ? for additional guidance as needed.
By following these steps and utilizing the mentioned shortcuts, you can easily navigate and make the most of the features offered by Lollib.