Month | Page Visits |
Feb | 61.10K |
Mar | 53.00K |
Apr | 116.70K |
May | 81.30K |
Jun | 59.80K |
Jul | 42.00K |
Aug | 64.80K |
Sep | 31.80K |
Oct | 45.90K |
Nov | 55.00K |
Dec | 46.20K |
Jan | 47.50K |
Month | Page Visits |
Feb | 61.10K |
Mar | 53.00K |
Apr | 116.70K |
May | 81.30K |
Jun | 59.80K |
Jul | 42.00K |
Aug | 64.80K |
Sep | 31.80K |
Oct | 45.90K |
Nov | 55.00K |
Dec | 46.20K |
Jan | 47.50K |
Channel or method through which users reached this tool (e.g., Direct, Organic Search, Referral).
Number of visits from each traffic source during the selected time period.
Percentage of total visits that came through each traffic source, showing which channels drive the most traffic to this tool.
Direct | 27.91K | 59.00% |
Organic search | 10.28K | 22.00% |
Referral | 8.46K | 18.00% |
Organic social | 808.00 | 2.00% |
Paid social | 0 | 0.00% |
0 | 0.00% | |
Paid search | 48.00 | 0.00% |
Display ads | 0 | 0.00% |
Our AI industry web traffic analysis is based on estimated data from reliable sources such as SEMrush and Ahrefs. We track 10,500+ AI tools across 171 categories, updating data every month. We analyze total visits, unique visits, user demographics, and more across the categories to provide insights into the AI industry’s size, trends, and top performers.
Unique visits represent cumulative monthly counts, meaning returning users in different months are counted again. The total unique visits for all tools combined do not represent distinct individuals due to user overlap across multiple AI tools. For a closer estimate of the AI industry's audience size, refer to the latest month's unique visit count.
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