What is Legal AI?
Legal AI is introduced as your new AI-based legal assistant that aims to complement your work rather than replace you. It serves as a user-friendly tool to simplify tasks and save time and costs when dealing with legal matters.
Who created Legal AI?
Legal AI was founded by an individual who designed it as a user-friendly AI-based legal assistant to help simplify legal tasks, saving time and costs in legal interactions. The company's focus is on aiding users in navigating legal matters efficiently and effectively.
What is Legal AI used for?
- Facilita tareas legales
- Ahorra tiempo
- Reduce costos legales
- Interactuar con el Derecho de manera eficiente
- Facilitating legal research
- Automating document review
- Predictive analytics for case outcomes
- Contract analysis and management
- Legal compliance monitoring
- Intellectual property management
- Automated billing and time tracking
- Legal writing assistance
- Predictive coding for eDiscovery
- Virtual legal assistants
- Facilitar tareas legales
- Ahorrar tiempo en la interacción con el Derecho
- Reducir costos en actividades legales
- Automatizar procesos legales
- Mejorar la precisión en la revisión de contratos
- Analizar riesgos legales de manera más eficiente
- Realizar investigaciones legales exhaustivas
- Optimizar la gestión de documentos legales
- Facilitar el acceso a información legal relevante
- Ayudar en la toma de decisiones legales
- Facilitates legal research and analysis
- Automates contract management processes
- Assists in due diligence procedures
- Enhances compliance monitoring and reporting
- Supports litigation prediction and strategy
- Improves legal document review and drafting
- Provides insights for risk management
- Aids in intellectual property management
- Helps with regulatory tracking and analysis
- Streamlines legal operations and workflows
Who is Legal AI for?
- Legal professionals
- Lawyers
- Paralegals
- Judges
- Corporate Counsels
- Law clerks
How to use Legal AI?
To use Legal AI, follow these steps:
Access the Tool: Visit the Legal AI website and bookmark it for future reference.
Introduction: Legal AI is an AI-based legal assistant designed to streamline legal tasks and save time and costs in legal interactions.
Navigation Tips:
- Use Ctrl + ↑/↓ to go to the top or bottom of the page.
- Employ Ctrl + ←/→ to sort content chronologically or alphabetically.
- Use ↑↓←→ for easy navigation.
Open Entries: Press Enter to open the selected entry in a new tab.
Search Functionality: Focus on the search bar using the '/' key and conduct searches efficiently.
Help Menu: Access the help menu by pressing '?' to get further guidance on using the tool effectively.
By following these steps, you can make the most of Legal AI as your reliable legal assistant, enhancing your legal workflow and boosting efficiency.